Third Mission
Alongside Research and Education, the Department of Environmental Sciences and Prevention (DiSAP) is active in the Third Mission, i.e. activities through which the knowledge produced by the University is enhanced and made accessible to society and the economic system.
The following activities fall under the third mission, broken down by indicators subject to
evaluation by ANVUR:
- - Industrial property management
- - Spin-off companies
- - Third-party activities - pricing
- - Brokerage structures
- - Heritage management and cultural activities
- - Public health activities
- - Continuing education, lifelong learning and open education
- - Public Engagement
The objectives of the Third Mission are identified in the context of innovation and growth processes, not only economic but also social, civic and cultural.
The activities of the Department of Environmental and Preventive Sciences in the Third Mission primarily focus on the economic value derived from research. This is achieved through third-party activities, spin-offs and patents, as well as the involvement of citizens through Public Engagement initiatives. These activities, organized by the Department, are designed for a non-academic, non-profit audience and aim to provide educational, cultural, and social development benefits. They serve to communicate the advantages of education and the outcomes of academic research.
The enhancement of Third Mission activities is assigned to the Research and Third Mission Commission. This commission is responsible for promoting and monitoring the quantity and variety of events organized by the Department. It also evaluates their geographic distribution, the participants involved, and their socio-economic impact. The goal is to increase visibility and highlight the positive effects of the many activities shared with society.