Commissions and Delegates
In order to ensure a link between transversal activities of the University and the Department, departmental contact persons have been designated for:
- Website Working Group
Coordinator: Prof. Gianfranco Franz
Membri: Prof. Fabio Schifano, Prof.ssa Daniela Perrone, Dott. Lorenzo Caruso
- Departmental representative for services to students with disabilities and DSA Prof.ssa Luisa Giari
- Scientific Council of the Biomedical Pole, management body of the University library system:Prof.ssa Luisa Giari
- Internationalisation activities; Faculty committee: Prof.ssa Barbara Bramanti, Prof.ssa Elena Tamburini
- Incoming and outgoing orientation activities; Faculty committee: Dr. Elena Marrocchino
- Departmental representative in the LARP Governing Council: Prof.ssa Rebecca Voltan
- Departmental Erasmus coordinators and representatives in the Interdepartmental Credit
- Recognition Commission: Prof.ssa Costanza Baldisserotto, Prof.ssa Elena Tamburini
For the monitoring of teaching-related issues, the Director makes use of a Working Group comprising all the Co-ordinators of Degree Courses incardinated in the Department, regardless of the departmental affiliation of the lecturers who hold the position of Co-ordinator of the same Degree Courses.
As regards the Department's Research and Third Mission aspects, the Director is supported by the following Departmental Commissions:
With reference to activities in the field of Research and Third Mission, the Department's two members in the University Research and Third Mission Council (CRTM) are:
The Department figures who also perform the duties of ‘Employee in charge of the Prevention and Protection Service’ (ASPP) are: Dr. Antonella Pagnoni; Dr. Roberta Marchesini; Dr. Valentina Rosta, who cooperate to guarantee the necessary safety conditions at the Department's facilities where the various daily activities take place.